
Productivity Tips For Small Business Owners

Handling a business comes with a lot of responsibilities, but it is essential to prioritize your work to finish the important tasks efficiently in time. Improving your overall productivity will lead to high revenues and significant profits. Being productive is all about generating more significant outputs. Meaning a business is more productive when generating higher output in the given time. The amount of time you invest in your work should yield the maximum result. Increased productivity will eventually lead to higher revenues. Making small but significant changes in your work routine can enhance your productivity to a great extent.

We have some productivity tips for small business owners that would help you achieve remarkable business growth:

Productivity Tips To Keep You Focused

Make a 1-hour rule:

First of all, divide your work time into small chunks. Try to stick to the one-hour rule, but you can start with forty-five minutes in the beginning. So to get to the point, split your tasks to fit in an hour and make sure that you complete the job in that time. Don’t take any breaks while you are working during that period. After an hour you can take a small break. Then begin again. This way, you will improve your focus and get more work done in the given time.

When you give yourself smaller deadlines, you end the scope of procrastinating, and your attention does not divert. Stay focused on the task you have assigned to yourself for that hour, keep your phone away, avoid emails, etc. Just do what you plan to do. You will be able to finish your work more efficiently and in less time.

Choose your tasks wisely:

Invest your time in the most important work first. When you pick a task, you need to ensure that it will be highly productive for your business. Setting your goals is not your only concern, deciding what will yield higher benefits should be your primary concern. Most often, we are worried about the most critical decisions and tasks of our business, which is why we keep procrastinating, thinking that they need our special attention. But you must finish such tasks first thing in the morning to avoid getting piled up and increasing your worry. Checking them off your list at the beginning of the day will motivate you to feel more productive and stress-free.

Employ Tools:

Segregate your tasks according to their do-ability. Many tasks don’t require human brainpower; they can be automated and still can be managed efficiently. So, select such tasks and employ tools to handle them. This would save up a lot of your time, and you will be able to do more work in the meantime. Automation is a counterbalance for small businesses. These tools can save time and reduce staffing needs. By automating repetitive tasks that don’t require human attention, like scheduling social media posts, sending emails, and customer support, your employees will be able to focus on more important work and generate new ideas to help your business grow.

Delegate your work:

To create a productive work environment, everyone must be working parallelly, instead of wasting time for the order. So, before you begin your work, make sure that all of your employees have their tasks assigned for the day. This way all of you will be working together and hence produce more results in the given time.

Keep track of your workflow:

For the efficient streamlining of your workflow, you must analyze your tasks on a regular basis. Assign the most important tasks first and identify the tasks that are no more profitable. Observe your tasks and note how much time it takes to finish them. Batch your day according to the importance of your tasks. Managing your projects can be a tedious task. Using project management software to streamline your projects can improve efficiency. These tools would help you properly plan your projects and manage them efficiently. You can even assign tasks, add files and interact with your employees in real-time with the help of these tools.

Get more done in less time:

The basic rule of thumb while expecting a productive environment in your business is getting more tasks done in less time. If you feel that the most valuable tasks for your business are getting cumbersome for your employees, then try outsourcing. Even before 2019, more than a third of small businesses were outsourcing their business processes. It is safe to expect that this number would have certainly gone higher due to its profitable capabilities.

Outsourcing means hiring an external professional or a freelancer to perform a formerly done task by your team. If you feel that your team needs to be trained more to do some of the tasks efficiently then, you can trust freelancers or professionals of the related field to do the same. This would save time, and you will be sure that the task is in capable hands. Meanwhile, your team can check off other essential functions from the list.

Revise your goals:

Setting the goals and targets for your businesses is the first step towards success, but keeping track of the progress is highly crucial. When you are swamped with work, it is inevitable to forget your goals. So decide a time slot to review your goals every day. Your plans might need a few necessary changes with time. In that case, revise your projects every day and make the required modifications.

So it would be best to regularly revisit and renew your targets according to the demands of the time to achieve them. This way, you will have them clear in your mind, and you will be able to assign tasks and perform actions more actively to accomplish these goals.

Remember Parkinson’s Law:

Parkinson law says that “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” We do the work as per the given deadline. For instance, if we set the timer for an hour to complete a said task, we try to finish it in an hour. But we are sparing and lenient when we assign the time. If we set aside just half an hour to perform the same task, we will try and finish it in even half an hour when we were taking an hour to complete it.

So the point is, how much time a task will take to finish depends on your approach towards it. Small tasks like taking a meeting, connecting over calls, and such things should not consume a large chunk of your time. Instead, you can get done with them soon and invest your time in the more critical tasks.

Avoid Distractions:

An increase in productivity is directly proportional to the least distractions. Staying focused while working is the most basic policy, and we all know it. But it is easier said than done. With so many tools and gadgets, we are constantly distracted and lose focus on essentials. First of all, start your day with zero distractions. Accomplish necessary tasks first thing in the morning. It will improve productivity as you are in the most active and focused state when you start your day. 

We all need a “little break” and pause for a while to relax. But we fill this time with all the social media clutter and or Netflix and many other irrelevant things we browse for entertainment. If we only avoid all these distractions, we can save time and increase productivity. Another important thing is to weigh your tasks before starting them. If you commit yourself to some work, make sure it is worth your time. If it is not profitable for your business, then you prefer skipping it and jumping onto things that are essential for the time. Setting aside less important things will broaden your horizon for more productivity.

Try to reduce the “organizational drag.”

According to the Harvard Business Review, a company loses its productivity more than a day each week, which could be summed as 20 percent of its productive capacity because of a business organization’s time-consuming structures and processes. This “organizational drag” gets in the way of their own company and affects its productivity.

To improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the company, you must try to simplify the structures and model streamlining your workflow. More importance should be given to getting more tasks done catering to the consumers and shareholders. Simplifying the hierarchical complications will help maintain the focus of your employees, and they will be able to perform efficiently without any stress.

Scoop up some time for happiness:

It is okay to spend some time in fun activities. Taking time out for some recreation will refresh you for the next part of the day and help you develop a good bond with your employees. Especially since you have a busy schedule and work for long hours, you can spend some time enjoying frivolous activities with your employees instead of distracting yourself with social media. It would give you an excellent opportunity to get to know them better.


Time is of the essence, and accomplishing significant tasks take time. You cannot magically increase the work hours of your day, but you can focus on making each hour of your day more productive. With the above-mentioned tips, you will be able to save time and increase productivity for higher revenues.

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